Class of 1989 - 35 Year Reunion
Monday, 9 December 2024

The Class of 1989 held its 35 year reunion at the Manly Bowling Club on Saturday 26 October. It was well attended, with more than 80 classmates present on the night. Several staff members also attended, including Fr Steve Sinn, Bruce McKay, Rob Stuart, Peter McLean and Mel Morrow. 

The reunion was organised by Jim Frawley, who did a great job contacting as many classmates as possible. In addition, George Tucker organised a pre-Reunion lunch on the Friday that was attended by 40 people, whilst Gerard Perrignon organised golf at Wakehurst Golf Club on the Friday. 

Many thanks to Christine Zimbulis in the Advancement Office for her help in organising the reunion as well. Overall, the entire reunion weekend was a great success. As an aside, the Class of 1989 now has an active WhatsApp chat with 115 members. If you would like to join the Class of 1989 WhatsApp chat, please contact Jim Frawley on