Old Boys take out the Rawson Rugby Competition!
Friday, 31 May 2024
For the first time since 2011, the students of St John’s College at Sydney University, have won the Rawson Rugby Competition! On Wednesday 22 May, the grand final for the Rawson Rugby was played at University Oval No. 2, resulting in a win against St Andrew’s College (33-25). The game highlighted the brilliant skill of players on both sides, resulting in an enthralling match exhibiting all that is great about College Rugby in front of a packed grandstand. The team has greatly benefited from the outstanding contributions of Riverview alumni, including the two team secretaries, second-year College students Jullien Caillol and Tom Bull, who have driven this campaign with gusto and pride. I am immensely proud of the longstanding and strong association between St Ignatius College and St John’s College and look forward to many more successful years to come.

Dr Mark Schembri
St Johns College
The University of Sydney

Old Ignatians in the Johns College Rugby Squad

• Oscar Brady
• Charlie Bull
• Tom Bull
• Jullien Caillol
• Dan Cummins
• Hamish Grover
• Liam Grover
• Dougal Lane
• Henry Madigan
• Archie Matthews
• Ewen McBean
• Paddy O’Hara
• William Perkins
• Rocco Rizzo
• Pat Spora
• Nicholas Zanatta