The Class of 1979 | 45 Year Reunion
Monday, 3 June 2024
The 1979 Class got together on the 17th and 18th of May to enjoy their 45th class reunion. About 40 from the class met on Friday night to get ready for Saturday’s main event, Mass in The Dalton Chapel. Bishop Danny Meagher and Father Joe Dooley SJ celebrated Mass together.

Danny’s homily struck a chord with everyone when he spoke about the importance of accepting who we are and of love in our lives. We also reflected on those from our year who have passed. Father Peter Joseph was also to be part of the Mass but he unfortunately passed the homily baton to Bishop Meagher after turning up a day early. We look forward to hearing from Joe when we are next together. Thank you Joe for your poem about time. A grazing and guzzling lunch was put on at the amazing Cova Cottage for us by the school’s caterers. It was fantastic. After plenty of old yarns with Joe Dooley looking over the River, we watched Riverview play Shore on first field. Only the brave few outlasted the rain to see Riverview take the points against the odds. A good number of us adjourned to the “Diddy” to finish off the weekend.

Thanks to all those who made a real effort to get to the gathering, 1 from overseas, some from interstate and the regions and even from the other side of Lane Cove. Jonathan Ball, Demo and Rai probably were the best and fairest recipients but Tonks was unchallenged for being most consistent across the weekend. Thanks to Heather, the OIU and the school for helping us all enjoy a great weekend together. We look forward to 2029.

Damian Scroope (OR79)