Major Mark Moloney (OR62) Awarded Medal for Gallantry
Tuesday, 1 August 2023
 Early last month, Mark Moloney (OR1962) was awarded the Medal for Gallantry by the Governor General.
After leaving Riverview, Mark did his  training at the Royal Military College at Duntroon in Canberra. He was then posted to Vietnam.
In 1967-1968, Mark was a Lieutenant and a Platoon Commander of 7 RAR in South Vietnam.
The story of those years and of Mark Moloney's bravery has been told in Gerard Windsor's (OR1962) All Day Long The Noise of Battle (Murdoch Books. 2011).
 During what is now known as the 'Tet Offensive', in February 1968, an Australian Infantry Company assaulted a North Vietnamese bunker complex. The battle occurred during an operation of the Australian Task Force named 'Operation Coburg'.
The citation reads:
"The Governor General is pleased to announce...
Medal for Gallantry (MG)
Major (then Lieutenant) Mark Augustine Moloney (retd).
For acts of gallantry in action in hazardous circumstances as the platoon commander 8 Platoon, Charlie Company, 7 Battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment at Bien Hoa Province on 7 February 1968."
Brigadier Mick Garraway AM, CSC, past parent of Riverview, is now President of the 7 RAR Association. He writes:  'It's a great story of leadership on the battlefield and it's an award that is long overdue."

James Rodgers
OIU Honorary Historian