Patrick Rodgers Memorial Award
Tuesday, 11 July 2023
Patrick Rodgers (OR2001) was a young man who made a distinctive contribution to the cause of social justice in the world, serving the poorest of the poor in the most remote regions of Cambodia. While his premature death is a great loss, his legacy is immense. Patrick, during his short life was a voice for the voiceless, spoke through actions rather than just words, sought no prizes or recognition and was a lamp lighter for those who might follow.
Each year the College awards the Patrick Rodger Memorial Award to a young old (18-25 years) boy who has continued his consistent service commitment after school by walking with and working with the poor and the marginalized, embodying the Ignatian values of generosity and service. 

Please nominate a young old boy who like Patrick, is a man for and with others. Nominations link HERE.