Class Bursary Scheme celebrates 25 years
Tuesday, 20 December 2022
It is 25 years since the OIU Class Bursary Program was launched in the Centenary Year of 1997. The OIU was very supportive of it and the Committee gave it the “green light”. So from $800,000 perhaps at the start and then $2m a year or so later then maybe $5m after the 2003 Bursary Appeal we have reached today’s figures coming from OIU Class Bursary gifts and some direct family gifts to the Bursary Appeal.  All those beyond a certain level of bursary gifts are listed in the Development Office foyer. The Investment Committee was set up to place the funds to generate maximum yearly return! Others just keep putting in their $100 as an Annual Giving  gift pre-June 30 (to the OIU Class Bursary Program). Of course once you have a regular place to whom you give in Annual Giving, it is also where you will direct a more significant bequest gift in your Will.

The Principal has advised me that it is now one of the largest bursary programs of its size and breadth in Australia. The School currently has between 70 and 80 boys on bursaries, a number of who are First Nations, refugees or those who qualify on the basis of demonstrable financial need. He also added that In 2017 the College became incorporated so all aspects of governance apply rigorously to the fund, its disbursement and are  subject to an external audit.

Michael Punch
Founding Chair
Class Bursary Committee

This Christmas, we hope you find yourself able to join in this spirit of giving. All gifts, small and large, can make a difference and any donation is tax deductible. Please GIVE HERE today and take part in a great College tradition.