Tha Ham Wheel Lives On!
Tuesday, 17 September 2024

After 30 years, Damien Scroope (OR79) and Ian Brooks (OR80) have passed the bib and microphone to Micheal Brooks (OR82) and Adrian Roche (OR83) to carry on this special tradition of running the Old Ignatians' Ham wheel at the Annual Jesuit Mission Bazaar. Whilst they had a new location and some competition from popular stands, they managed to complete 97 spins and reach their targets on fundraising for the day. "We had a magic day with strong crowds who turned out to have fun and support the Jesuit Mission" said lead coordinator Adrian Roche. Adrian particularly wanted to thank those who donated their time on the day. 

"A big thank you to those OIU members for generosity of time and donation to support the Jesuit Missions and the long standing tradition of the OIU Ham wheel. What they got in return was Good weather, good banter and mixing with a bunch of good men who were willing to say, yes I'll be there" "The 3pm to 5pm was particularly challenging as most folks had spent their allocation for the day and the sight of 10 hamsters buying tickets off each other, just to keep the show going and wheel spinning, that's what it's all about" concluded Adrian. The day was all but complete but for a surprise visit from Damien Scroope, just dropping in on his way to 5.30pm mass, to check on the troops and the takings for the day. With a parting wink and a smile, he said , "just another 29 years to go…" 

The organising team also wanted to send a special thank you to the boys who lead the banter on the microphone: Charlie Perrignon - who paused many times to kiss babies, greet royalty and rub shoulders with elected officials, but still managed to complete the job. Dave Borean - who wandered through the cloisters and into the Chapel to enrol the punters, all with a smile and a laugh. John Meagher - whose voice and name brought the punters from far and wide. Ben Connolly - whose ever-present smile and self deprecating jokes kept a smile on the faces of the crowd in the last stretch. For more information contact the coordinator: 

Adrian Roche OIU Ham Wheel Coordinator 

Mobile:+ 61 419 349 444 
