Mental Health & Wellbeing – September 2024
Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Following up on last month's "Mental Health and Wellbeing" section in the OIU newsletter, we're excited to share that progress is being made on several initiatives to raise awareness and provide education on this important topic.

Below, you'll find some insightful podcasts and articles we think you'll enjoy. As always, we deeply appreciate your contributions and would love to hear your suggestions for interesting articles, stories, programs, speaker ideas, or anything else related to mental wellness. Please feel free to reach out to Sam Shepherd (OR91) at 

What is Mental Illness? 

When most people think of mental illness, they often think of depression, anxiety, or suicide. But mental illness includes so much more—like loneliness, eating disorders, or substance abuse. In fact, "mental illness" is an umbrella term for a range of conditions that can affect a person's thinking, mood, or behaviour. For more detailed information, check out this link at the government website "Health Direct" that explains the different types of mental illnesses. 

Smartphones, Free Play, and Adolescent Mental Health 

Lately, there's been a lot of talk about how social media impacts mental health and whether stricter regulation is needed. Jonathan Haidt, an American author, wrote a book called "The Anxious Generation", exploring the changes in adolescent mental health between 2010 and 2015—right when smartphones became widespread. It's not just about apps or social media; Haidt argues that a loss of unsupervised free play and independence also plays a role in affecting mental health. This is thought-provoking reading, especially for parents or anyone thinking of starting a family. You can check out his article in "The Atlantic" here: "End the Phone-Based Childhood Now." 

Understanding How Hormones Affect Your Mood 

You may know Simon Sinek from his famous TED talk, "Start with Why", one of the most-watched TED talks ever. But he also has another inspiring talk called "Why Leaders Eat Last", where he dives into what makes great leaders stand out. One fascinating part is how our "happy chemicals"—different hormones—affect our mood and relationships. This talk is perfect for a road trip or a longer work commute. You can watch it here