Men for and With Others – Living Ignatian Values Post-School
Tuesday, 13 August 2024

The College Patrick Rodgers Memorial Award is seeking nominations for this annual award recognising younger Old Ignatian (under 30) whose service work beyond school is particularly noteworthy, either volunteering or in a career in service. Named to honour the memory and service of Patrick Rodgers (OR2011), who passed away while serving some of the most disadvantaged people in Cambodia, this award recognises a young Old Ignatian whose service work beyond school is particularly noteworthy. 

Application for nominations are now open for young old boys who are People for and With Others, locally, nationally or internationally. Please nominate a young old boy you know who is making a difference through their volunteering or in their career. 

Past recipients include Jesse Gray, Joseph Wehbe, Thomas O'Brien, and Xavier Rickard. The 2023 recipient was the most worthy Gianni Taranto (OR2014). Gianni's story is remarkable and noteworthy. He was Dux of his year level, won a scholarship to University of California (Berkeley), worked from the prestigious management consulting firm, Bain International. However, after much discernment and reflection, particularly in the aftermath of COVID, Gianni left the corporate world in 2022 to take up a position with the World Food Program (WFP) in Mogadishu, supporting some of the most desperate and disadvantaged people on earth. He joined three other Old Boys who have worked for WFP for many years, in an effort to bring food relief across a war torn and ravaged Africa. 

As Gianni said in his acceptance speech: "The great irony of helping others is…the person most physically and emotionally impacted by my work, is actually myself".