WUJA Annual Dinner
Friday, 12 July 2024

The Australian Union of Jesuit Alumni held their annual dinner in North Sydney on 3 July. Australian Provincial Fr Quyen Vu SJ was on hand to deliver the main speech. He thanked the organiser who made this evening possible: Andrew Horsley (OR1968), Oceania Representative, World Union of Jesuit Alumni, and warmly welcomed Alumni reps Steve Newnham (OR1970) of the Old Ignatians' Union (OIU), Riverview; Mai Mitsumori-Miller of the Newman Old Collegians' Association (NOCA); Michel Esnault of the Old Xaverians' Association (OXA); and Chris Duggan of the St Aloysius' College Old Boys' Union (SACOBU). 

In his remarks, Fr Quyen commented on Ignatian ethos of "men and women for others" "Throughout my tenure in all four Jesuit schools, we consistently stressed to our students the significance of embodying the ethos of "men and women for others". Undoubtedly, you've encountered this mantra repeatedly during your own experiences in Jesuit schools and colleges. This phrase often means adopting an attitude of service, such as participating in immersion trips or service programs. 

The phrase "men and women for others" is used to inspire students to dedicate their education to the betterment of others and their country, a concept known as "nation-building" in places like Timor-Leste and Cambodia. However, the phrase was originally intended to highlight a shortcoming of Jesuit schools. "Being a man for others" was proposed as an aspirational goal, emphasising the need to provide a Christian education that prepares students to work for justice. Jesuits and alumni were urged to humbly acknowledge that this goal had not yet been fully realised." 

 He ended by asking the question "So, what does the Society of Jesus hope of its alumni?" 

• Have we adequately prepared you to serve others? 

• Have you "set the world on fire?" 

• Have you utilised the talents and resources nurtured during your education to positively impact your community? 

• Have you shared these gifts with zeal and commitment? 

• Has the 'Magis' deepened your commitment to serving those less fortunate than yourself? • Are you, or have you become, individually or collectively, ambassadors of our faith? 

• Have you demonstrated compassion towards our less fortunate brothers and sisters? 

• Have you shared the message of Christ with others? 

• Have you lived out His teachings through your deeds and your actions? • Have you become "beacons of hope for others"? 

• In other words, have you inspired and uplifted those around you? 

I believe everyone aspires to accomplish significant goals and dreams in life, aiming to make a positive impact on the world and on those around us. However, pursuing such lofty ambitions often presents challenges that can seem insurmountable. " 

On behalf of the Union, we thank Fr Provincial for his attendance, his words and his continued support of our work and the work of our fellow Alumni Groups across Australia. 

 The full version of Fr Provincials' remarks can be found here: https://jesuit.org.au/an-attitude-of-service/