Key Insights from the OIU 2024 Member Survey
Friday, 13 September 2024

Thank you to the 850 respondents across 77 graduating years that completed the OIU 2024 Member Survey, conducted between April 11 and May 27, 2024. 

The survey aimed to better understand member satisfaction with OIU activities and identify opportunities for improvement. Some of the key insights coming out of the survey include: 


 - Graduation Year Distribution: 30% of respondents graduated 50+ years ago, highlighting the strong presence of older alumni. Younger alumni (graduating in the past 20 years) represented 20% of respondents. 

- Location: 58% of respondents live in Sydney, with 95% of those residing within 15 km of Riverview. Regional and international respondents (42%) face challenges in participating in OIU events due to distance. 

Engagement and Satisfaction: - Overall Satisfaction: 82% of respondents scored the OIU's activities and initiatives 6 or higher, with an overall average score of 7.3 out of 10. 

- Class Reunions & Monthly Newsletter: Interest in attending Class Reunions was highest (scoring 8.29) as was receiving and reading the monthly newsletter (scoring 7.36) across all years. 

- Younger Alumni Interest: Recent graduates expressed higher interest in mental health awareness and volunteering initiatives such as St Francis House, and joining participating in Old Ignatians' sporting clubs. 

Challenges & Opportunities: 

- Low survey participation among Younger Alumni: Participation from alumni who graduated in the last 20 years was low relative to other year groups. There is an opportunity to create a group focusing on "Younger Old Boys Club" to increase engagement. 

- Regional and International Engagement: Many respondents living outside Sydney expressed interest in regional and international reunions, with suggestions for virtual events and earlier communication.

- Volunteering & Mentorship: Interest in volunteering and mentoring was stronger among younger alumni and those with sons currently attending Riverview. Raising awareness of these opportunities could boost participation. 

Thank you again to all that participated. Your feedback is being used by the OIU to shape the OIU's strategic planning for 2025 and beyond.