Thursday, 19 October 2023
Riverview has always been a key contributor to various homeless shelters in Sydney and the opening of St Francis Shelter in Redfern is in the need of volunteers. Based on the previous Teresa House that was closed due to COVID, St Francis Shelter provides overnight accommodation with dinner and breakfast for the homeless on Friday nights. The House can accommodate 6 guests and 2 volunteers with 4 bedrooms.

Volunteering involves either a dinner shift from 6:00pm to 9:00pm or an overnight shift 9:00pm to 7:30am.  All guests come via Link2Home.

The shifts involve:
6:00pm Dinner shift volunteers to arrive at the House and call Link2Home to obtain the evening guest list.
6:30pm Guests are invited in with names recorded and checked with the
Link2Home list.
Guests are provided fresh bed linen to make their own beds.
7:30pm Dinner is be provided by the volunteers either home-made or
purchased as there is a Metro supermarket 200mtrs from the House.
8:30 Dinner finishes.
9:15pm Overnight shift arrive to relieve dinner shift.
10:00pm Lights out.
6:30am Breakfast provided and guests strip their beds.
7:30am Guests and volunteers leave the House.
The objective is to provide a safe and homelike atmosphere for those in need and your volunteering will result in someone not having to sleep on the streets, especially those most vulnerable. For those who have not volunteered before, we provide the opportunity to observe a shift run by experienced volunteers.

If you would like to support, please send your interest to: who will assist with the registration process.

I hope you can support and let me now if your need more information.

Peter Goodman
0411 108 006
St Francis House Manager