Thursday, 12 October 2023
In recent years Justin Gardiner has organised an annual “get together” lunch to which a lot of our surviving members attend.  The gathering at the school was attended by 7 of us, together with wives/carers. We had Mass celebrated By Fr David Strong SJ and then a great lunch in the parlour. Speaking after the event, David Strong commented "it was one of the more memorable OIU events I have attended in many a year." The class of ’53 was not remarkable re scholastic achievements and definitely not sporting ones! – I don’t think our senior teams won a match in cricket or football!  We were following the ’52 year which had a 100% pass rate --- the first time ever for Riverview. Ours was a comparatively small year and 38 of us passed the Leaving Certificate, 34 matriculating which allowed them to go to University (Sydney Uni was the only one in existence)
Of those 38:
2 became priests (one of them left after a few years)
8 doctors
4 lawyers (one judge)
2 philanthropists – Paul Ramsay leaving his mark on the School and John Kaldor at the Art Gallery of NSW
Ken Doyle spent many years as the Secretary of the OIU  
There were apologies received from four others who live in the country and did not feel up to the travelling involved, together with two who live overseas (Ireland and Portugal respectively) and another who is currently travelling overseas.  We like to think it is not bad for a class of less than fifty after seventy years! 
Finally, we would like to thank the Union for supporting and subsidising the function.

Alan Oxenham and John Dunford
Class of '53