Tuesday, 4 April 2023

The OIU First Nations Mentoring Program has been running successfully at Riverview for 20 years. However, as with many initiatives, COVID restrictions severely disrupted the program between 2020-22. The program is being relaunched this year and we are looking for Old Boys who are interested in becoming a mentor for one of the 18 students currently without one.

The OIU held and information evening  recently on the OIU First Nations Mentor Program.  Mentors heard from Kaleb Taylor, Head of the First Nations Program, Ezekiel Billy, Kyle Wallace and one of the current mentors, about what’s involved, the challenges and the rewards for both the student and you from being involved.

So, if you are interested in assisting First Nations students to navigate the challenges of living and learning in a culture that is very different to their own; supporting these young men to grow, thrive and become all they want to be from this opportunity; being a positive support system for boys who are away from their home, culture and community; gaining a deeper understanding of First Nations culture and build a genuine connection with this community; then we would like to hear from you.

For more information contact Sean Cunial (OR87) on 0422 459 668 or email us me Oiupresident@riverview.nsw.edu.au.


Daniel Bolger